Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Xbox 360 All Characters

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse you can collect the seven Dragon Balls and summon the Eternal Dragon. Once Shenron is summoned you will be able to chose one wish from a list of 10. Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a role-playing video game based on the Dragon Ball franchise developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco Games. It was released in February 2015 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.A sequel, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 was released in 2016. DRAGON BALL® XENOVERSE will bring all the frenzied battles between Goku and his most fierce enemies,such as Vegeta, Frieza, Cell and much more, with new gameplay design! Players will revisit all famous battles from the series through theirown custom-created Avatar, who is connected to Trunks and many other characters.

System: PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3
Dev: Namco Bandai
Pub: Namco Bandai
Release: TBD
Players: 1
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080p
Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Xbox 360 All Characters

Xenoverse… get it? Z-noverse? Dragon Ball Z-noverse? Well, at least that’s the joke that Bandai Namco made when we got to see the game at E3 this year. Let’s see what the next DBZ game has to offer.

Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Xbox 360 All Characters

Before I even talk about gameplay, let me make one thing clear: this is a gorgeous game. It’s one of the best looking games I have seen so far on next-generation consoles. It’s prettier than the Dragon Ball Z anime by far. The apocalyptic clouds overhead, the crumbling mountains as you fight, the ripples in the water as you change your ki, all look beautiful. Absolutely no detail was overlooked while designing this game, and I’d hazard that it’s more fun to watch than play.

The reason I say that is that the gameplay system is pretty much the same DBZ system that we have gotten used to after so many years. The game takes place in full 3D and the camera is positioned over the shoulder. As is always the case with these games, half the game is just flying around trying to find your opponent before you even get to fight. Combos are still button mashy as usual, so don’t expect this to be a serious fighting game.

That being said, there is a bit more depth to the game this time around. Combos appear to change depending on when and how you initiate them. Starting a combo above your opponent will be different than starting a combo below them. You can now cancel the startup of basically any move in your repertoire into a block or movement. This way you can string together your attacks into more complicated combos, or simply stop your onslaught in order to keep yourself safe.

Another element of strategy comes in when you consider the new dynamic maps. Remember all those fights in Dragon Ball Z where characters would dive into water to try and get away from their opponents? Well now you can do that. Diving into water makes it so that your opponent can’t see you, nor can you see them, but you can still lock on to them and throw ki blasts.

Stages are also 100% destructible as well. Opponent hiding behind a mountain? Blow that mountain up! Hiding behind a building? Blow that building up! There’s basically nothing that you can’t blow up in this game. Heck, even if you aren’t trying to blow up buildings, the terrain around you will inevitably change as a result of your epic battle. Each ki blast will leave a crater. Each time you throw an opponent into a wall, that wall will crumble. The environment is constantly shifting as you fight, and then you can use that destroyed environment to your advantage.


Another big thing that is returning to the game is real-time transformations. Instead of simply selecting Goku, Super Sayain Goku, and so forth, each character and all of their transformations are now all condensed into one character. As you transform, you power up and your move set changes. However, even so we were told that the game was aimed at being as balanced as possible.

There are two meters in the game aside from health, which appear to be power and stamina. The power meter only fills as you attack, and you need to use it in order to do quick teleports and dodges. This prevents you from being too terribly defensive the entire game. The stamina meter, however, seems to just fill over time, and it seems to fuel some of your more impressive special moves. So you will never be able to spam your biggest beam attacks.

The story in the game is… interesting. There appears to be some futuristic city that is hinted to exist outside time. Denizens from this city… maybe… are traveling back in time to see important events in DBZ history play out. However, there isn’t a lot more that Bandai Namco could say other than that. But it appears as if this isn’t going to just be another retread of the plot. Instead, it’s going to be its own side-story. Granted, it’s going to be a wonky fan-fictiony time-travel story, but it’s a new story nonetheless.

I wouldn’t say that Dragon Ball Xenoverse is going to reinvent the wheel when it comes to anime games. It’s still wildly unbalanced, still incredibly mashy, still not very appealing to the pro fighting game crowd. However, it is remarkably beautiful and it accurately recreates some of the best moments in DBZ as well as letting you create your owns. That, and the devs said it was going to have a humongous roster. Frankly, I can’t figure out what else a DBZ fan could want, and that along would probably make this game a success.

Angelo M. D'Argenio
Contributing Writer
Date: June 12, 2014

Game Features:

  • All new Dragon Ball game.
  • Next-Gen Dragon ball action.
  • New fighting mechanics.

  • System: PS4*, Xbox One, PC, PS3, Xbox 360
    Dev: Dimps
    Pub: Bandai Namco
    Release: February 24, 2015
    Players: 1 (2+ Online)
    Screen Resolution: 480p-1080pCartoon Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes
    Your Very Own Piece of DBZ Fanfiction
    by Angelo M. D'Argenio

    When I heard that Dimps, the same guys who developed Street Fighter IV, were going to be making the latest Dragon Ball Z game, Dragon Ball XenoVerse, I was excited. For a very long time, Dragon Ball Z games have been nothing more than casual button-mash fests looking to cash in on the Dragon Ball fanbase, but Dimps made some of the early Budokai games, which were actually semi-decent fighting games, and I was hoping to see a return to that formula in XenoVerse.

    Unfortunately, I did not find a competent fighting game in DBX. What I did find, however, was fanfiction, and lots of it. While you’d think that would be an instant turn-off, it’s actually charming in a way. It shows that Bandai Namco knows its audience, the same audience that draws a million fan made DBZ characters and showcases them on DeviantArt as characters that may even be more powerful than Goku. To that extent, DBX is exactly the game the Dragon Ball fanbase wants. I’ll admit, even my own embarrassing fan fiction impulses were satisfied, and I didn’t even know I had them.

    Dragon Ball XenoVerse actually has a totally unique story, rather than simply rehashing the events of the DBZ saga again. A pair of time bandits are wreaking havoc throughout DBZ history by manipulating the events of the timeline such that the future we all know and love never occurs. Then again, the future is Dragon Ball GT, so I’m not quite sure who the good guys are.

    You are a resident of Toki Toki City, a city outside time and space where the greatest warriors of the world converge. In other words, it’s the hub world of the game. Trunks, seeing the devastation to the timeline, makes a wish on the Dragon Balls for someone to help him set history right, and BOOM, you showed up.

    Here is where the game’s major draw comes in. The main character of this story is none other than you, or at the very least, your created avatar. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of different races, like human, Saiyan, Namekian, whatever the heck a Frieza is, and more. Each race has different stats which vaguely mirror their abilities in the show. Saiyans, for example, get more powerful every time they come back from near death, while Namekians can slowly regenerate health. You also get to choose your sex, male or female, with males hitting harder and females being quicker. I think tying stats to character gender is a little tacky, as it means you can’t make exactly the character you want without somehow effecting their stats, but that’s only a small annoyance.

    Then you get to trick out your character however you like, adjusting body dimensions, clothing, hairstyle, and the like. Unfortunately, the character creator falls a little short in this regard. Most of the clothes that you have to choose from are just pieces of other characters’ outfits. So when you are done you kind of end up looking like a mish-mash with a scouter here, a scarf there, and maybe an orange gi and Android 18’s jeans. For those of you who are taking character creation seriously, this will be a disappointment, but I personally feel there's a campy tongue-in-cheek self-awareness to the character creator. It sort of forces you into making a character that really does look like the carbon copies you find on DeviantArt, and that's amusing.

    Also, the wonderful voice of Takahata101, a.k.a. Ghost Nappa from Dragon Ball Z Abridged, is available for character creation, complete with a ton of inside jokes about the series. If there was anything that proves the dev team had the fanbase in mind when developing DBX it’s this, and every single character I make will feature this voice, period.

    Mods For Xenoverse Xbox 360

    Once you've perfected your fanfiction masterpiece, you are off to save the timeline. The majority of battles you fight will be either major boss encounters or “what-if” moments. The former are basically just the iconic fights from throughout DBZ history, except you are there on one side or another to make sure that they end up right. The latter is much the same as the “what-if” battles from other DBZ games, putting you in fan fantasy scenarios like “what if Vegeta didn’t kill Nappa?” Once again, you are called in to make the timeline right. Sorry, Nappa.

    Most of these battles are team battles that take advantage of DBX’s new fighting engine. You control your character from a behind the back perspective, just like most recent DBZ releases, and unfortunately half of the match is just locking on to your opponent and flying around, also like recent DBZ releases. However, since multiple characters are fighting at once, battles take on a little bit more depth. If you all rush in and attempt to punch your opponent in the face, you’ll interfere with each others' combos. However, if you let someone stand back and fire energy blasts as another rushes forward for heavy damage combos, you’ll find that you can decently stun-lock most opponents.

    Dragon Ball Z Xenoverse Xbox 360 All Characters Download

    In single-player modes, when you team up with DBZ’s greats, this feels very rewarding. In multiplayer modes, however, it’s less so. Multiplayer matches feel incredibly and undeniably cheap. The game is a button masher to begin with, but the right combination of moves and teamwork will give you next to no opportunity to retaliate. You’ll find yourself hammering on buttons, hoping that you’ll manage to get one hit in, and that’s not fun at all. As usual, the game shines more for it’s single-player mode, rather than it’s multiplayer.

    Dragon Ball Xenoverse For Xbox One

    The story of the single-player campaign itself is interesting, but it too smells of fanfiction. The motivations of the villains are kind of forced, even for DBZ antagonists, and the battles you fight are very obviously chosen for the sake of letting you experience every big DBZ moment, rather than to support a greater narrative. It will keep you playing the game, just to be able to see what wacky thing happens next, but I wouldn’t say that you ever get invested in the plot itself, or the ending. This might be one of those games that you end up putting down for long periods of time, or that you abandon before you beat.

    Xenoverse 2 For Xbox 360

    While there are far more characters than really should be in a fighting game in DBX, just like there are in every DBZ game, there are some strange omissions. Majin Vegeta and Baby, for example, are totally missing from the roster, even though the plot touches on their storylines. Notable characters from DBZ movies are also missing, although that’s not as bad since these characters are a more obscure.