Type Vietnamese On Mac

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AUTOmix the above 2 methods

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‎Description Laban Key is a Vietnamese keyboard (input method). It helps you type Vietnamese much faster using Telex or VNI input method with smart word suggestion and spell check. Highlighted features: - Telex and VNI input methods: allows typing tones anywhere in the word. Enhanced Telex mode l. Vietnamese typing test Keyboard enables you to type in a web browser on the Vietnamese language. It is a smooth and consistent manner, no matter where you are or what computer you are using. Online Vietnamese typing test keyboard will help you type texts in Vietnamese characters, even if you are far away from your computer.


Old Accent : don't select this option, unless purposedly you want
to by-pass step #3 in the rule of precedence (cf. below).

Check Spell : it's best to leave this option always selected;
Scroll down & see the examples given for TELEX VNI VIQR+ VIQR*.

What you want to write and what you must type.
Notice that as with hand-writing, you can add the accents before (as you type)
or after (at the end of each word), or you can even come back and add them later.






quả bưởiquar buoiwrqua3 bu7o73iqua? bu+o+?iqua? bu*o*?i
yểu điệuyeeur ddieeujye63u d9ie65uye^?u ddie^.uyeu^? ddieu^.
giận dỗigiaanj dooixgia65n do64igia^.n do^~igian^. doi^~
bánh cuốnbanhs cuoonsba1nh cuo61nba'nh cuo^'nbanh' cuon^'
nước mắmnuocws mamwsnuoc71 ma81mnuoc+' mam('nuoc*' mam('
tuyệt, tuyệt!tuyeetj, tuyetej!tuyet65, tuye65t!tuye^.t, tuyet^.!tuye^.t, tuyet^.!

The right place of

--- dans les combinaisons de voyelles, où placer l'accent? ---
SPECIAL NOTE for above step #3 in the rule of precedence :

Notice how the position of the tonal accent doesn't change
(chú ý : vị trí dấu thanh không hề thay đổi )

UY : accent is on Y : tuý luý, quỵ luỵ, nguỵ biện, nhuỵ hoa, huých vai, nguýt yêu, huýt còi, xe buýt, suýt soát, huỳnh huỵch, khuỷu tay...
OA : accent is on A : xoá nhoà, hoà hoãn, hoả hoạn, hoạt hoạ, thoái thoát, loáy hoáy, loảng xoảng, ngoáo ộp, ngoảnh nhìn...
OE : accent is on E : loè loẹt, nhoè nhoẹt, oẹ mửa, ngoẹo cổ, nhoẻn cười....
OO : French words : quần soọc, xe rơ moóc (rờ moọc), kẹo boòng boong...

(1) There are five tonal accent marks
sắc[acute ́], huyền[grave ̀], hỏi[hook ̉], ngã[tilde ̃], nặng[dot-below ̣]

The complete Vietnamese alphabet
a ă â b c d đ e ê f g h i j k l m n o ô ơ p q r s t u ư v w x y z

See also :

and :
Wiki:Vietnamese language++ | Vietnamese Dictionary | Hán-Việt Quick Lookup | Unicode Vietnamese Test Page
20 Lessons | The Vietnamese Keyboard | Math symbols, etc. | IPA in Unicode | IPA for English

CLICK HERE ! ( Microsoft Internet Explorer Only ! )

© Since December 2003, there have been network session connections to this site

Mac users running OS X Leopard (version 10.5) or a later version should have built-in support for Vietnamese. Just follow these steps (but keep in mind that the naming of various user interface elements may vary from one Mac OS to another):
1. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences.

How To Type Vietnamese On Macbook Air

2. Click on International.

3. In the International window, click on the Input Menu tab.

4. In the Input Menu tab, select Vietnamese UniKey. (By the way, your current keyboard should be kept selected.

5. Underneath Vietnamese UniKey, select the input method you want to use: Simple Telex, Telex, VNI, or VIQR.

6. Depending on the Mac OS X version you are running, you may or may not see the option allow a different input source for each document. An input source is basically a language and its corresponding input method. If you want to be able to have different input sources active in different applications, select this useful option. That way, you won’t need to keep switching input sources every time you switch between applications.

7. Select Show input menu in input bar to be able to easily switch from one input source to another within the same application. The input menu will appear on the right side of the menu bar and display all the enabled language input sources you selected.

Tip: Using keyboard shortcuts

Type Vietnamese Word

allows you to switch between input sources faster than by selecting the desired input source from the input menu. The input menu should list what the default keyboard shortcuts are. You can assign different keyboard shortcuts by clicking on the keyboard shortcuts option.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you've recently enabled Vietnamese typing and find that your usernames and/or passwords are no longer working, it may be because you are typing in Vietnamese. Read steps 5 and 6 above to learn how to change input sources. Alternatively, deselect Vietnamese UniKey in your System Preferences if you no longer need it.