Warcraft 3 Under The Burning Sky

ChapterWarcraft 3 Under The Burning Sky

I was feeling nostalgic, so I decided to finish up what I had never done before. Complete Warcraft 3 on 'Hard Mode'. As to be expected, I was rather rusty and had to resort to changing the game-speed to Slow most of the time.
There were some speed-bumps, and there were occasions when I went, 'Doh!' because I forgot to loot some item(s) from some hidden location(s). I have a pretty bad habit of not saving often in Warcraft 3 (I usually only save at the start of a mission, and then more or less forget about saving), so this often meant I could not backtrack to redo something unless I wanted to erase a LOT of progress. [img]graemlins/laugh3.gif[/img]
The.. Human Campaign, being the first campaign, was more or less a breeze. With Uther and Knights, not much could stand in the way. Dwarven Riflemen and Gyrocopters more or less took care of the anti-air matters. Gryphon Riders were hideously overpriced in both cost and supply, and I rarely used them unless I was already cruising to victory. Mortar Teams were a joy to use against buildings, and I usually have 4 of them. Footmen were.. well, Footmen. Good in taking hits from towers due to their Defend ability.
So yeah. The Human Campaign was no problem at all.
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The Undead Campaign was when it started to get hairy. This especially held true in the last mission. Blur as I was about my unit-terminology, I had to take a quick crash-course on what worked against what.
Survive for 30 minutes. 30 excruciating minutes (an hour in reality, because I am playing on 'Slow').
I tried using my normal combination of Necromancers & Abominations, but that quickly proved fatal as the Skeleton Warriors were quickly dispatched by the Clerics (damn their Dispel!).
The Steam Tanks also proved to be a hair-tearing experience as I had no viable counter-unit to it. Steam Tanks have Fortified Armour, which is absolutely screwy against the Undead, because I don't have any unit that deals rapid Siege Damage. Steam Tanks were the number one reason why I had to reload so many times for this mission, because they would irrevocably destroy my 'beautiful' defences leaving me wide open for the inevitable Knights and Gryphon Riders invasion.
Frost Wyrms were pointless in this mission as they practically do jack squat for defence (very useful for offence though, in base-razing that is). Gargoyles were also pointless as practically every Human unit can shoot upwards, making them nothing more than cannon-fodder (literally) and a total waste of resources.
Necromancers were also near useless as there were Clerics around to Dispel the Skeleton Warriors. Necromancers also have pitiful attacks and can barely scratch Knights and Steam Tanks. Gryphon Riders meanwhile, eat them alive (or undead rather).
After yet another reload (22s left!!!!) I was verging on the point of stressful frustration, and had to take a break to rethink my strategy.
The Humans come from three different directions.
On the left, we have Dwarven Riflemen, Mortar Teams, and Steam Tanks.
In the middle, we have Knights, Sorceresses, Clerics, and Gryphon Riders.
On the right, we have an Arch-Mage Hero, Knights, Sorceresses, Clerics, Dwarven Riflemen, and Mortar Teams.
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Part of your resources include four sets of Goblin Mines (you have to raid for them from crates in the west). These mines would be useless on the left frontier as the enemy Gyrocopters can detect them. Therefore, I used them for the eastern-front.
Using one set at a time, I was able to sufficiently weaken the waves from the east so that I could delay the setting up of static defences there. Instead, I poured most of my starting resources into building a barrier on the northern front. 6 Ziggurats surrounded by a Necropolis, two Crypts, and a Graveyard. This would force the enemy to walk around the buildings if they wanted to attack the Ziggurats (not applicable to Siege units and Air units of course).
Shades were very important in this mission as they gave precious warning time about an advancing wave. Able to anticipate the enemies' movements, I could manoeuvre my core party of Arthas, Crypt Fiends and Abominations to the hotspots when needed. In between the waves, I would send Arthas to recharge at the mana well (his Death Coil is invaluable in keeping your units alive, as you have little time and resources to replace them).
Clashing with the wave was especially important on the western front, as this was the wave that contains Steam Tanks. If allowed to come near your base, the Steam Tanks would go on their merry way to make rubble out of your buildings while your units scratch, and I emphasise here, SCRATCH them.
If you clash with them out in the open however, the Steam Tanks will blindly follow the Dwarven units as you proceed to pound the living crap out of them. Later on in the mission, you will receive Demon units, and these unit deal Chaos Damage. This is lovely, because Chaos Damage is useful against Steam Tanks. I usually go for a pincer movement (the Shift key is your friend here), sandwiching the Dwarves between the Demons and my core party. Lovely.
My core party rarely sticks around to finish the job though, as they are needed far more for the northern/eastern fronts. Once the clash occurs, I leave it to the Demons to finish the job while I rush back my core party to the middle.
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Until I ran out of Goblin Mines, I kept my Upkeep to Low. This was necessary as I needed the gold to build up all my static defences and upgrade my units. I only had 5 Crypt Fiends and two Abominations along with Arthas for my core party. The rest of the supply went into making a reserve of Banshees.
Yes. Banshees. If I couldn't kill them, I damn well was going to Possess them. I had two Temples of the Damned, and I set their rally points to the Mana Well. When I finally ran out of Goblin Mines, I finally unleashed the Banshees onto the battlefield to Possess enemy Knights.
Possessing Knights meant I went into High Upkeep. At this point however, it didn't really matter anymore as I had fully upgraded everything and had a healthy reserve of gold left. I went into mass Banshee production, and started to Possess Knights left, right and centre. An important note at this point is that I disable their autocast prior to using them.
Knights were nice meatshields, and whenever possible, I would send badly injured ones to the Health Well to replenish their life. They would prove invaluable in buying me time.
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Gryphon Riders were not a big problem for me as I had Crypt Fiends, and I usually lure them with my units to an awaiting battery of Ziggurats. There comes a time however, when the northern front and the eastern front get attacked at the same time. The northern wave will arrive first, with the eastern wave approaching a minute later or so. This is problematic, as both waves have good damage dealers capable of razing more than just a Ziggurat.
Banshees to the rescue.
Using a combination of Banshees and Crypt Fiends, I possessed the Knights and Webbed the Gryphon Riders near the Ziggurats, then I rushed my core party to the eastern front while my newly possessed Knights beat the living tar out of the Gryphon Riders.
Thanks to this co-ordination, I did not lose any buildings to this combined wave. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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The final wave is, quite frankly, absurd. It is not humanly possible to defend against it unless you cheat, and so the name of the game is to delay them as much as possible. To this end, I had plenty of 'decoy' structures littered around the place to delay their advance. This being the final wave, you might as well spend all your remaining money.
My Ghouls, all four of them, stopped harvesting lumber and were sent to Kel'Thuras. All my Acolytes were randomly placed around buildings with Repair on autocast. They would serve as 'cannon fodder' distractions. Seconds were precious here. All remaining Banshees were sent to Kel'Thuras as well, while the Knights were placed in front of the static defences (for the northern/eastern fronts only) in order to make the enemy Arch-Mages cast Blizzard on them instead of the Ziggurats. The western front was handled by the Demons.
When the wave managed to reach the staircases, I used Arthas' Ultimate to Revive 6 Knights and used them to help block/clog the staircases. The Banshees did their part by possessing more Knights, while the Ghouls formed a protective line in front of Kel'Thuras (I placed them on Hold).
It was in this manner, that I finally managed to win this mission. Onwards to the Orc Campaign (oh the white hair I am going to get [img]graemlins/laugh3.gif[/img] ).


Map Details for Under The Burning Sky: Under The Burning Sky by Unknown Nondescript Rate this map: (1) Good - (0) Bad Share this map: Tweet Download (1)UnderTheBurningSky.w3x Report This Map: Category: Melee Tileset: Dalaran Dimensions: 128x128 Playable Area: 108x112 Recommended Players: Any Size: 0.1 MB Submitted: 15 Dec 2019 18:45 Rating: 1. Cgi cutscene. Home Games Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos Undead 8: Under the Burning Sky This is an another 'Defend for 30 minutes' mission, this one's harder though. There are 3 points they are going to attack, north, east and your main base to the west. On this page of our guide to Warcraft 3 Reforged you will find a detailed walkthrough of Under the Burning Sky mission. The last mission of the Undead is not the easiest one, because you will have to defend yourself for 30 minutes from the continuous attacks of human army.

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